Friday, October 1, 2010

BINGO! Let's Play

Bingo is a game played all over the world. Players match the numbers against numbers pre-printed on 5x5 matrices. The 'cards' are matrices that are printed either on paper, card stock or electronically represented. In many versions the game is concluded when the first person achieves a specified pattern from the drawn numbers. The winner yells out, 'Bingo!' alerting other players. Before beginning a new game all wins are examined for accuracy. The win is officially declared afterwards and the prize is given. The players play against one another for the jackpot.

The history of Bingo can be traced back to a game of lottery called "Lo Giuoco del Lotto d'Italia" played in Italy in 1530. The game entered France in the eighteenth century introducing playing cards, tokens, the reading out of numbers that had been added to the fun of the game. In the nineteenth century, Bingo was used in Germany for teaching children spelling, math and history. In 1929 in North America, Edwin Lowe was observing the game in a traveling carnival and noticed how engrossed the players were. He introduced the game to his friends in New York where one of his friends after winning yelled out Bingo instead of 'beano' as it was previously known.

Bingo is played using 75 unique numbers. Each number is represented by a ball placed in a large rotating container. As the container stops rotating, a ball with a number is taken out and is declared to all the bingo players in the hall. After that they examine their bingo cards and tally the number that is announced with the one on their card. If it matches, players mark that number on their card. If a player gets five numbers either in a row, column or diagonally, he or she screams "BINGO" and is announced as the winner.

In today's times Bingo is being played online and is a form of licensed gambling. Bingo is also the basis for other online games. The tickets are sold for other number games as are sold for the Bingo. The daily or weekly draw is generally broadcasted on television. These games are difficult to win but fetch higher prizes. There are several bingo halls today. These halls make people spend a lot of money. The main aim of these gaming rooms is to earn revenue. Also there are various clubs and online games and online Bingo sites that offer free bingo bonuses. Not only do they offer free bingo bonuses but also host free bingo tournaments and competitions. Such free bingo bonuses induce many people to participate in such tournaments.

Recently cheeky bingo sites have been introduced. This cheeky bingo site has got fantastic games, offers and specials created for your happiness. The players in the chat rooms are cheeky bingo players only. It doesn't share its chat rooms, jackpots and prizes with other sites and its software is unique.

Thus Bingo with its humble beginnings has created a landmark in the history of card games. It has fascinated people from all over the world. Bingo is a game enjoyed by most of the people and has helped many to make their fortune.

Neil Cowell is author of this article on Free Bingo Bonuses.

Find more information about Cheeky Bingo here.

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